
The job of leaders is, first and foremost, to make decisions.
Decision making styles and how executives go about making the big calls on strategy and leadership is often at the root of success and failure.
Our in-depth research into the reasons of executive success and failure has proven just that. Successful executives’ decision-making styles evolve in a predictable pattern over the course of their career up the leadership pipeline. Successful executives are on a constant journey of learning and un-learning. Success ultimately has as much to do with acquiring new skills and competences as letting go of old patterns and habits.
Styles deal with how people make decisions, how they use whatever mental capacity they possess, and not whether they make smart or dumb, good or bad decisions.
Decision styles deal with how individuals use information and how they generate solutions for problems. Different situations and problems require different styles. The secret to success is situational fit.
Situational adaptability,
and the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances and use the right style at the right time is they key differentiating factor of successful senior executives and high growth potential talents. We help predict how fit your leaders – and your organization – are to deliver on the strategy. Now and in the Future.
For more information on the practical application of the Decision Styles model see our Leadership Transformation, and Assessment & Coaching Solutions.
Decision Dynamics led the world’s largest-ever study of executive success based on over 120,000 executives (published in the Harvard Business Review) and pioneered the development of a suite of validated, best-in-class, executive-level profiles.
Our strategic partnership with Decison Dynamics allows us to deliver individual as well as organizational diagnostics. Our chosen, renowned and tried and tested behavioral assessment methodology and tools have been developed over
more than 40 years of quality research, thought leadership and international practice across industries and geographies.
Our approach allows us to add the rigour of the renowned CareerView™ & StyleView™ models and tools to our extensive practical experience in order to deliver superior leadership and talent solutions for your business. Our tools are proven to predict success, guide growth and engage people. They capture dynamic and hard-to-measure critical success factors like inner motivations, relational competencies, and decision-making styles. We equip you to make informed – and the right – decisions on suitability, potential and readiness.
We help you assess an individual leader’s, a team’s, or a key leadership population’s fit to current and future role and level requirements. And we leverage assessment insights to define high-impact development action plans and deliver superior performance.
powered by Decision Dynamics.
‘There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.’
W. Shakespeare